Frequently Asked Questions

Q1.I cannot log in - what do I do?

If you are unable to successfully log in to Alumni Website: If you have simply forgotten your username, your password, or both your username and password, please contact SPCC Alumni Administrator ( TIPS: Please be sure that you have indeed registered and created your online account. Verify that you have given the correct e-mail address.

Q2. How do I register to create my online SPCC Alumni account?

We highly encourage all alumni to register. If you have not yet registered, to create your free online account please login to Members are eligible to access all Alumni features.

Q3. Forgot your password?

To receive your password, Click "Forgot your password" and type the full email address you use to sign in to your alumni account. You will receive your username and your password in your mailbox.

Q4. Will the information you hold about me be safe?

Yes. The information we collect from former students (Alumni) is held on a database which is protected with high security.

Q5. Who is eligible to become one of the alumni of SPCC?

To receive your password, Click "Forgot your password" and type the full email address you use to sign in to your alumni account. You will receive your username and your password in your mailbox.

Q6. I am having trouble logging in even after entering the right password:?

This seems to be a compatibility issue. Upgrading your browser and clearing your browser cache can resolve this. This site is best view in Mozilla Firefox.

Q7. Why cannot I change my username?

We advise all users that usernames cannot be changed later upon initial registration. For security reasons.If you still want to change your username then send us an e-mail/message, we shall try to change it in the database.

Q8. How do I change my information on SPCC Alumni?

You may update your profile online through edit profile, once you have joined SPCC Alumni Association Website.

Q9. How can I find out more about my old department?

Each academic department has its own web pages, giving details of the programs offered by the department and academic staff profiles. Click on Back To College (

Q10. What are the benefits of the Alumni Association?

Below are the benefits of being an alumnus: a. Search Alumni in view members. b. Invite Alumni friends to join Alumni. c. View current month birthdays. d. View and post feedback. e. Send message to friends. f. Get Alumni news update, events.

Q11. How can I contact my classmate?

You can search any alumni by his/her Name, Year of Passing and the Course and Department he/she had taken.You can also send messages to your friend by clicking on send message. Non alumni users also will be able to search members but they will not get all the details.